New Reports Looks At Artificial Reality Market
April 12, 2017

New Reports Looks At Artificial Reality Market

MONTPELLIER, FRANCE — IDATE DigiWorld, a global tracker of telecom, Internet and media markets, reports an annual growth rate in the Artificial Reality market of 58.8 percent. The company recently released a white paper detailing its findings, which includes starting to see a catalogue of high-end games emerging as developers seek to invest in the new market opened up by the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Playstation VR. 
Most publishers able to offer AAA experiences are waiting for the headset installed base to be large enough to amortize the several million EUR investment needed for content creation. The price of headsets, around 600 EUR on average in 2016, explains the high valuation of the equipment market. These prices also explain why the headset sales volumes estimated by IDATE DigiWorld are below the forecasts made by its competitors.