Storefront Displays Get Geeky

Posted By Kelly Dove on May 29, 2009 12:00 am | Permalink
Tags: 3D
Categories: Kelly Dove
The latest craze to fill storefronts, emptied by the spiraling economy, is surprisingly, advertising. A once vacant storefront at Seventh Avenue and 50th Street in New York City, for example, is now a digital 3D branding campaign for Snickers. The display, created in cooperation with Destination Media Group, Alioscopy USA and Helios, showcasing Alioscopy’s 42” LCD autostereoscopic (no glasses) 3D monitor, is cleverly designed to grab the attention of unsuspecting people on the street. Created by ad agency InWindow Outdoor, the campaign is designed to complement Snickers national ad campaign, which is full of puns and funny slogans about the candy bar like: “Dunk Patrick Chewing,” and “Talk some Snacklish.”
Back on the West Coast, the Alioscopy ( autostereoscopic 3D monitor is showcasing high-design to visitors of the Autodesk Design Center at One Market in San Francisco. Joining more than 20 different exhibits in the center, the monitor supports myriad Autodesk software solutions—with future support for Maya and Softimage in development. Visitors at One Market can now view immersive 3D animation and images without the need for 3D glasses.

Alioscopy CEO Phillipe Roche senses the large number of 3D stereoscopic films hitting the theaters will create “an unprecedented demand for the same immersive 3D digital display and gaming content—outside of the movie theater.” Word on the street? “Snacklish.”