
  • Early Sunrise

    "Early Sunrise" Saby Bucella has a background in graphics and music. He studied 3D at the Icari School in Montreal, Canada. This image is a still frame taken from an animation. Bucella created it for ...

  • Eddie Christian

    Taught animation, modeling and compositing at the Academy of Art University. I founded Pirate Animation Studio in Austin Texas. Now I am the Founder and owner of Solo Projects Studios. Occupation: Art ...

  • Egyptian Women Statue

    "Egyptian Women Statue" Asif Siddiqui is said to be naturally inclined towards the creative aspects of life and philosophy. Born in the port capital of Karachi, Asif later graduated with a degree in M ...

  • Electronic Paint

    "Electronic Paint" At the age of 19, Jesse Navara already is exhibiting considerable talent. He presently is pursuing a Bachelor degree in Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. Com ...

  • Elijah Bell

    My name is Elijah Bell Jr. I am a Visualization specialist. This is project that I used to develop details for a hospital corridor. The images were all constructed using Trimble Sketchup and IRender N ...

  • Ellen Test 7

    "Ellen Test 7" Steven Stahlberg studied art for three years and has ten years as a professional illustrator under his belt; he has no formal computer graphics training. He finds his inspiration in rea ...

  • Encoda

    "Encoda" Darren Pasdernick began his career in computer graphics after being inspired by a television special on 3D animation. He currently designs exhibits and provides 3D animation for industry trad ...

  • Eni Oken

    3D artist Eni Oken of Los Angeles developed these images for Alfred Publishing using 3D Studio R4 and 3D Studio Max.

  • Eolo Perfido

    Eolo Perfido started working in computer graphics as a hobby. Now he works as a 3D animator for an Italian digital-effects firm. Take a look at more of his images on his Web site at ...

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