"Day 301"
Mike Moran, born in Shropshire, grew up on the Dorset coast. He studied at Bournemouth & Poole College of Art and North Staffordshire Polytechnic. Since moving to Bristol in 1989, he has worked in performance, photography, video, and multimedia. At the moment, Moran's time is divided between lecturing in (Adobe) Photoshop techniques at Bath College and working as a freelance illustrator.
All of the photos and materials used in Moran's montages stem from his travels. His images start as heavily worked paper and paint. After scanniong the scratched, color-soaked results, he mixes in photos and adds other elements. Moran uses an Apple Mac G4 733 and Photoshop 7 in all of his work. The work is said to reflect his interests in the changes our society and nature have on the environment. "The marks created by our daily activities and the natural elements become over time evidence for these activities," says Moran. "Manufactured objects exposed to the elements begin to decay changing back into a natural state. Nature is reclaiming the materials we use. These processes are a central theme in my work."
Moran's Web site, located at http://www.mmoran.co.uk, is regularly updated with new work. Additionally, on-line portfolios of his work are offered on the following Web sites: PicassoMio.com, ImpactArt.com, Ultimagroup.com, Debutart.com, Portfolio.com, Abs-Gallery.com and ArtWanted.com, and Voodoochilli.net.