Artist: John Roberts- "Morning Light"

CG artist John Roberts created these two images, "The Toolshed" (left) and "Morning Light" (right), using a combination of LightWave, Photoshop, and Painter. Roberts, who expects to graduate with a Masters of Arts degree in Computer Art/Animation from the Savannah College of Art & Design this month, says, "My normal process is to model the objects and the environments in LightWave first. I then go into Photoshop and scan in actual photographs of images, such as leaves, tree bark, etc. Once they are scanned in, I open them in Photoshop and/or Painter and layer different textures together with varying settings. I then take the textures back into LightWave and render my scene. Most of my lighting is applied within LightWave." To make any final adjustments, Roberts goes back into Photoshop.