Artist: Mr. oink

"Mr. Oink"

Joshua Gorczyca is the founder and second-year president of Ph@ Productions, the 3D Club at Timberline High School in Lacey, WA. He submitted "Mr. Oink" to the Imation Computer Arts Scholarship and the image was nominated for National Recognition.

"I made it in 3D Studio Max 2, without any third-party plug-ins," says Gorczyca. "The chalkboard was made with MS Paint and the cover of the art books were from the MS Office clip art files. Some touch-up was made in Photoshop 5.

"Mr. Oink's head was made from a single cube. The faces were extruded, and "mesh-smooth" was applied. The mirroring effect on the picture was done by rendering the scene, then applying it to the canvas. This procedure was carried out about four times."

The club's site is: