Artist: Out of Mind

"Out of Mind"

Kent Matheson is the digital matte painter for the TV series Stargate SG1. He graduated from the Ontario College of Art, Toronto, Canada, in 1991 and has also worked as an illustrator and designer.

About this scene from Stargate SG1, Matheson says, "The city was created in 3D and placed into a live action plate of a green, fog-covered valley. The tough part was to match the lighting, which is a little dull and indeterminate, and to give a sense of scale and depth. Although I was working from production designs created by our production designer Richard Hudolin and rendered by illustrator Ken Rabell, the actual layout of the city was invented as I went along, placing buildings where they needed to be in order to create what I thought was an interesting skyline."

Matheson works on a Mac G4. "Photoshop was used extensively on all of the projects, from making texture images to retouching some of the final rendered elements," he explains. "Most of the 3D is created using Newtek's Lightwave 3D, but some of the elements were built and rendered in Maya. The radiosity render of the statues image for 'The Light' was rendered in Lightwave 3D version 6.5 using a 'sky-globe' technique. This option has become available to Lightwave only in the past few months and the radiosity effects in all of the other projects have been faked. Most of the images for the show have been composited on higher-end systems like Flames or Infernos under my or James Tichenor's supervision but some were composited by myself using Adobe's AfterEffects."

More of his work is displayed at