Artist: Saber Tooth

January gallery artist Jeff Selbig works in 3D Studio Max and Photoshop.

I started out in high school, doodling on a Macintosh with a basic paint program. Back then (1986), computer graphics were definitely out of reach financially for a kid working at the local lumberyard. I studied art in college for a year, then switched to engineering. During that time, I continued painting and drawing and was increasingly awestruck at the computer-generated images appearing in movies and television. I really wanted to take some of the work that I had done in 2D and put it into a 3D environment. The flexibility of changing view angles, lighting, and textures was a very big draw after having wrestled with the snail's pace of oil painting. The last straw for me was when Jurassic Park came out. I ran out of the theater, scraped together my pennies, and took the plunge on a decent PC and a copy of 3D Studio Max.

I've always thought of natural subjects as the hardest to create convincingly. I really feel like I've accomplished something if I can come close to pulling that off. Also, I am a freelance artist currently living in Alaska, and most people up here are nuts for animals and nature, so I tend to create images that will help with marketing.

....the fantasy art of Frank Frazetta, wildlife artist Robert Bateman, every movie that comes out containing 3D graphics that I know I could do better (those shall remain nameless), every movie that comes out containing 3D graphics that are truly stunning or cool (Jurassic Park, Starship Troopers, Lost in Space, Titannic, Alien(s)....

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