Making its debut at GDC is the SpeedTree 5.0 beta, a re-engineered version of IDV’s foliage software. Now available for evaluation, SpeedTree 5.0 tree and plant middleware is revamped to deliver greater modeling control and rendering efficiency. SpeedTree provides natural trees and plants in real time with seamless LOD transitions, various lighting, physics, and wind effects, and an SDK programmed to support any level of engine integration.
SpeedTreeRT includes the SpeedTree Modeler, a Windows application that
offers a combination of hand and procedural modeling options. Features
new to 5.0 include: hand and procedural modeling, multiple integration
options, a new degree of lighting realism, and new levels of detail.
The first 5.0 evaluations will be handed out to those who visit IDV’s
booth, #5302 in North Hall at the Moscone Center.