The Project Panel and Media Browser panels offer new features and a simplified look, allowing for zooming in on thumbnails, which are now 16x9, as well as the ability to skim through them. There is also the ability to mark clips inside the Project Panel. It’s also easier to see where a clip is used thanks to an icon in lower right corner. Full screen playback is available as well. There is now also limited OpenCL support.
Mercury Transmit allows third-party IO manufacturers to integrate more closely – Mooney, describes it as a “socket, and third parties just need to plug into it.” Adjustment Layers offer a transparent layer on top of other video layers to which you can apply effects, and Warp Stabilizer is now built in and GPU accelerated; there’s also a new Rolling Shutter Repair effect. Audio meters are scalable, and there is a new mixing UI.
After Effects
Adobe is calling After Effects CS6 the biggest release of the software in 10 years. Inside is Global Performance Cache, so users don’t have to render unless they have to. They also re-designed how the GPU is used. “It feels faster to use,” says product manager Steve Forde.
There is now a camera-tracking tool that will get users 90 percent of the way there. There are occluded effects and masking improvements with feathering. After Effects is also now offering full 3D text and vector shapes.
While Adobe only purchased Iridas SpeedGrade back in September, the color grading tool is already a big part of Creative Suite 6. With this new release, users can export from Premiere to Speedgrade. It can also take in other EDLs, there is scene change detection and a large number of filters, and the Opacity slider – impact slider – can tone down decisions on any layer.
Adobe has also refined the Audition experience, making it faster to use. There is a new Media Browser, a new quick search panel and support for grouping clips. Users now have the ability to stretch clips in real time, and to specify whether stretched clips are monophonic, polyphonic or varispeed, and they added new manual and automatic pitch controls, as well as new tools for visualizing how pitch appears. And you can now have open as many sessions as you want.
Audition now supports Mackie and Eucon protocols for control surface support, and there are ADR tools that allow for auto speech alignment. New effects include the Notch Filter, Graphic Phase Shifter and Doppler shift. And CD burning has been brought back.
Adobe Prelude is a solution for managing file-based media. Starting with flexible ingest tools — users can create a backup copy on ingest, as well as transcode or not, as your workflow dictates. Prelude offers a fast, keyboard-driven environment for creating sub-clips and adding comments to media. Rough cuts are easy to assemble, and can be handed off to Premiere Pro for refinement.