Madrid, Spain - Next Limit Technologies has announced the launch of its online Maxwell Materials Exchange (MXM). The unique new Web site at is designed to aid users of the company's render engine -- Maxwell Render, The Light Simulator -- to share innovative materials.
The site is intended to serve as a meeting point for creative professionals who want to share their Maxwell materials with other users. Visitors will find hundreds of realistic materials to use in their scenes -- all offered for free.
In Maxwell Render, materials are modeled in a physically correct manner. As a result, they are virtually indistinguishable from materials that exist in the real world. Moreover, because the materials work cross-platform, it does not matter in which application they were created; they can be used in essentially any software program.
As soon as new visitors to the Web site have registered for free, they can upload and download as many materials as they wish. The Maxwell Materials Exchange provides users the opportunity to share impressive creations and learn from the talents and experiences of others. Users should refer to the instructions on the left-hand side of the Web page before uploading files.
To begin taking advantage of Next Limit Technologies’ new Web site, visit, or go to, click on the Download menu, and select Material Libraries.