December 19, 2006

VizRT Integrates Curious World Maps with Microsoft Virtual Earth

Bergen, Norway - Vizrt has completed the integration of its Viz|Curious World Maps graphic mapping software and Microsoft’s Virtual Earth platform. Virtual Earth provides the on-demand delivery of high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery.
The graphics staff at television stations can populate Viz|Curious World Maps templates with aerial and natural earth images from Virtual Earth. World Maps provides broadcasters local access to the imagery stored on Microsoft’s Internet-based Virtual Earth server.
“We’re thrilled that Vizrt has succeeded in integrating our immersive mapping technology into its graphics solution for the broadcast industry,” says Stephen Lawler, general manager of the Virtual Earth Business Unit at Microsoft Corp. “This use of the Virtual Earth platform opens up new opportunities for the broadcast industry through the creative use of imagery and location-related information.”

The bird’s-eye imagery in Virtual Earth is unique in comparison to imagery provided by competitive services. With oblique imagery, viewers see a much more realistic perspective. Oblique imagery provides perspective to city terrain at an angle, which is typical of ortho imagery found in other satellite and aerial imaging platforms. The imagery and capabilities found in the Microsoft Virtual Earth server, combined with the stylistic control of Viz|Curious World Maps, offer broadcasters relative opportunities.
Through this product integration, broadcasters can now use imagery products stored on the Microsoft Virtual Earth platform with the same stylistic control they are accustomed to with Viz|Curious World Maps. 
The integration enables Viz|Curious World Map to work across multiple platforms, including TV, Web, and mobile.
Vizrt also recently introduced version 7.0 of Viz|Curious World Maps, a solution for creating high-quality 2D and 3D animated maps of any place in the world for use in broadcast, presentations, and Web programming.