San Diego - nPower Software, a division of IntegrityWare, announces the native translation of SolidWorks files directly into Autodesk 3ds Max/Autodesk Viz with the release of Power SolidWorksToMax.
nPower Software facilitates the rendering of native SolidWorks models and assemblies through its new Power SolidWorksToMax translator. Power SolidWorksToMax improves the workflow efficiency for design visualization; SolidWorks users no longer have to spend days or weeks translating high-quality surface and solids models into imprecise polygonal models or intermediate formats, and then struggling to generate high-quality renderings. With Power SolidWorksToMax, SolidWorks users can import models directly into Autodesk 3ds Max or Autodesk Viz for high-quality rendering, animation, and more without intermediate formats.
Power SolidWorksToMax is designed to handle the large data sets typical of CAD models. The solution includes special memory management tools to effectively deal with the typical large CAD models and assemblies. Power SolidWorksToMax also contains all the necessary tools to cleanup, prepare, and render SolidWorks models.
Power SolidWorksToMax also features:
Native translation of SolidWorks models/assemblies
Import precise trimmed NURBS
User control of tessellation for display/rendering
High-quality mesh generation
Cleanup of imported data
Optimized for large assemblies
Intelligent snapping
Native Translation of SolidWorks files

Model imported and rendered by Toru Kosaka using Power Translators.