Sweden - Craft
Animations announced the availability of its Craft Director Studio for
users of Autodesk Softimage software. Craft Director Studio uses high-end artificial intelligence and autonomous control systems to
condense traditional animation processes. Combining these
animation tools with Softimage software's ease-of-use and
image quality, users receive a timesaving and cost-effective animation
solution capable of helping save
animation time, describes a representative.
"Craft Director Studio makes it much easier to add an extra dash of reality to CG animations," says Jason Brynford-Jones, technical product manager for Softimage at Autodesk. "The comprehensive tool set allows the artist to focus on the result rather than the technology behind it. Autodesk is pleased that Craft Animations has ported this powerful set of tools to Softimage, making the life of creative minds even easier."
By eliminating the prolonged tasks of key framing and scripting, Craft Director Studio provides artists more time for creative processes. Professional users including Digital Dimension, Toyota and Lockheed Martin have reported reduced production times by up to 90 percent. Additionally, they have gained the opportunity to create natural motion paths on the fly through autopilot functions, or a variety of input devices such as gamepads, joysticks, keyboards, Wacom boards and 6DOF controllers (such as Space Pilot).
Allowing for precise control of object placement, as well as the instant gratification received by highly realistic interactive real-time animation, Craft Director Studio include:
* Craft Camera Tools provide users with real-time camera control for immediate, professional-quality cinematic results.
* Craft Vehicle Tools allow artists to create the most realistic and accurate simulations for in-motion vehicles.
* Craft Accessory Tools add the finishing touches to action-packed productions by simulating and animating props such as missiles, trailers, cog wheels and other moving parts.
* Craft Freeware Tools offers a free-to-use extended toolbox for Craft Director Studio allowing real-time recording, interaction and depth orientation.
"Autodesk Softimage animators, industrial designers and architects may now achieve the quality of real-time, real-world animation and filming techniques within a fully 3D environment," says Craft Animations' co-founder and head of R&D, Luigi Tramontana. "Craft Camera Tools put CG cinematics back into the hands of directors by shortening lead times between concept and reality. This alleviates the struggle between sub-standard camera behavior and 3D animation that has plagued the industry for years."
Craft Director Studio for Autodesk Softimage software are available for purchase and are individually priced between $99 and $1199.
The Windows version of Craft Director Studio is compatible with Softimage 7.5 and 2010. Craft Director Studio is also available for Autodesk 3ds Max, Maxon Cinema 4D, and Autodesk Maya software, Mac and Windows platforms.