Newbury, U.K. - Quantel's eQ and Pablo HD online finishing and color
correction systems running the new V4.1 software will be able to carry
out conforming, editing, effects, color correction, and deliverables
production on 2K (2048x1024) RED projects. For the first time, the
Quantel RED workflow is now available for finishing 2K projects in an
online environment.
eQ and Pablo HD are in use with post houses and broadcasters around the world finishing everything from commercials and promotions to long-form dramas and budget-sensitive movies, says a representative.
"We've been talking to many RED users who want to finish at 2K but up to now felt that Quantel quality was out of their reach," says Mark Horton, Quantel strategic marketing manager. "Now, the same tool sets that are used on Oscar-winning movies can be applied to finishing a broad range of RED-shot, high-resolution projects, whether digital intermediate, long-form, or commercials."
V4.1 software will be released in April 2009, and will be a free of charge upgrade for V4 users. RED 2K support requires appropriate hardware.