San Francisco - Digital Anarchy, a provider of software for photographers and digital artists, announced its new Beauty Box Photo skin retouching software. The plug-in provides an automatic way of smoothing skin and removing blemishes in photographs. Beauty Box Photo 1.0 is fully compatible with Adobe Photoshop CS5 and earlier versions of Photoshop and Elements.
The Beauty Box skin retouching plug-in performs automatic skin retouching and smoothing.
The software automatically identifies skin tones and creates an intelligent mask that limits the smoothing effect to skin areas while keeping facial details razor sharp. This process requires minimal input from the user and in many cases is fully automatic.
Beauty Box Photo gets it render speed from new technology from Toonamation Inc. and takes advantage of GPUs and Nvidia's CUDA.
Practical Features of Beauty Box Photo include:
• Automatic Mask: The Auto-Mask button automatically creates an underlying mask.
• Smart Skin Smoothing: Adjust the skin smoothing effects with three Smoothing controls.
• Batch Processing: Let Beauty Box set the mask and smoothing automatically for batch processing hundreds of images.
• Control Over Mask: Make changes to the mask with advanced Mask tools.
• Detail Sharpening: Use fine-tuning controls to preserve important details like hair, eyelashes and jewelry.
• Add Texture: Bring back skin texture, like pore structure, that can be lost because of the smoothing.
• Super-Fast Processing: Beauty Box uses GPUs and nVidia’s CUDA to increase render performance.
Beauty Box is regularly priced at USD $99. The product is on sale for $79 through June 21, 2010. The skin retouching software works in Photoshop 7.0–CS5 and Photoshop Elements 6.0–9.0. On Macintosh, the product runs on OS 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6. On Windows, the product supports Windows XP Home, Windows XP Pro, Vista 32-bit, Vista 64-bit and Windows 7.