IRVINE, CA — Luxion, a developer of advanced rendering and lighting technology and maker of the KeyShot ( realtime ray tracing and global illumination program, has unveiled KeyShot 3.
The release delivers an all new, animation system, making product and camera animations easier than ever before. In addition, KeyShot 3 delivers significant improvements to user the interface and workflow, with improved asset management and part interaction.
KeyShot’s import pipeline has been significantly expanded to now support Parasolid-based file formats such as NX, Solid Edge and SolidWorks on both PC and Mac. It also includes over 400 new materials and over 40 new lighting environments.

To make editing of existing materials and creation of new materials simpler, the material dialog has been reworked. Parameters have been logical named and grouped. Texture maps have been grouped under a single tab making it easy to see what texture maps are in use and how they are applied. The realtime preview lets the user explore the changes to the material under the given lighting environment in the scene.
Texture mapping has been greatly enhanced with the addition of specular and opacity maps, allowing users to create even more advanced effects with their materials including geometric patterns based on an image. And all dialogs have been cleaned up and partially consolidated to make the interaction with the scene easier and the settings more logical. In addition, all animations can now be output to standard multi-media formats such as AVI, QuickTime, or Flash.