Thinkbox Opens Deadline Cloud Wizard for Amazon EC2 Beta
July 27, 2015

Thinkbox Opens Deadline Cloud Wizard for Amazon EC2 Beta

LOS ANGELES – Thinkbox Software is rolling out a beta version of Deadline Cloud Wizard for Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). 

A new feature in Deadline, Thinkbox Software’s scalable solution that manages compute resources across platforms on physical and virtual machines, Cloud Wizard for Amazon EC2 automates the configuration of render farms on EC2, completing the process in a one-time 30-minute task. 

Deadline Cloud Wizard for Amazon EC2 creates a basic virtual private network (VPN) connection between the user's workstation and cloud account using customers' Amazon Web Services account information for secure communication. Upon launch, demo Slave virtual machines and jobs are set up automatically. Currently, the wizard runs Deadline version 7.1, and ships with a trial of NextLimit's Maxwell Render. Later this summer, the wizard is expected to support Deadline 8, which further simplifies the cloud setup with the addition of a new Proxy Server application that allows user to securely connect to the Deadline cloud infrastructure over public Internet using SSL, eliminating the need for a VPN. 

In addition to Amazon EC2, the Deadline Cloud Wizard is also available for Google Cloud Platform; Deadline itself supports cloud rendering on Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and OpenStack, among others. To request a free 30-day trial, go to: