SIGGRAPH introduces a brief conversation with Cole Krumbholz, SIGGRAPH 2011
Emerging Technologies chair and co-founder of
Koduco Games, who shares his insights, opinions, and thoughts regarding SIGGRAPH 2011.

How many submissions and acceptances did this year's Emerging Technologies have?
23 accepted out of 103 completed submissions.
What are some highlights of this year's technology?
This year several Emerging Technologies works embed sensors into commonplace items offering casual methods for interaction. A throw pillow becomes a TV remote, a bathroom mirror reports your vital health information, and the back of your hand becomes a touch interface. In addition, some works this year are all about fun: one offers a new kind of physical table-top game, while another puts a new spin on the classic wooden top.
Any new trends this year?
One thing we're trying to do this year is to extend the Emerging Technologies experience beyond the physical location in the convention center. We're trying out some exciting new ways to make the pieces easier to talk about and follow.
What were the biggest challenges you faced putting together this year's Emerging Technologies?
This year our biggest and most exciting challenge was how to best utilize the amazing Vancouver Convention Centre. The Emerging Technologies, the Art Gallery, and the Studio exhibits will be co-located in a common area this year. We've been working hard to include as many works as possible while maintaining a good flow and creating an exceptional attendee experience.
Which technologies have the greatest potential for impacting every day life?
Though we're more connected now than ever before, face-to-face communication still beats videoteleconference hands down when it comes to conveying presence cues. Two Emerging Technologies works this year tackle the problem of telepresence in very different ways. One transfers body pose and facial expressions to a remote operated puppet that can sit in your lap. The other takes telepresence mobility to new heights--the remote collaborator's head is displayed on a floating blimp!
Each year there always seems to be something wacky accepted into Emerging Technologies. Is this year any different?
Definitely not. This year we have a host of technologies that border on bizarre including a pregnancy simulator, a virtual crepe factory, and the telepresence blimp.