\Vancouver, BC - Multifaceted animation studio Rainmaker Entertainment has completed production on its animation short “LUNA,” which has been selected to screen at the iconic Electronic Theater at the upcoming SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival in Vancouver.
The SIGGRAPH Electronic Theater curates and showcases the very best of computer animation, says a spokesperson. Every year, highly respected jurors choose from among hundreds of submissions to select the year's best computer animations, to be shown at the SIGGRAPH annual conference.
A total of 77 films will be shown during the festival. There were 891 submissions, representing 44 countries. LUNA will screen 8-10 August from 6 to 8 p.m. and on 11 August from 10 a.m. to noon. The SIGGRAPH Electronic Theater will be located in the West Building, Exhibit Hall A at the Vancouver Convention Center.
“LUNA” is a creative labor of love for Catherine Winder, president and executive producer at Rainmaker Entertainment, and her talented artists and production team. It was the first project she green-lit when joining the company two years ago, seeing it as an opportunity to showcase the innovative and artistic talents of the Rainmaker Entertainment team, which also conceived the storyline.
“LUNA” depicts the flirtatious dance between a charming and debonair caterpillar (Silky) and a beautiful and graceful month (Luna). But Luna is perplexed. Is their story one of unrequited love at first sight or will true feelings be revealed in a glaring flood of light?
“Like all of our original in-house projects, ‘LUNA’ was carefully handcrafted to realize a unique aesthetic style that best suited our story and characters,” says Winder. “We decided to tell Luna’s story using a film noir black and white style, with touches of a yellow glow at key story points to symbolize love, attraction and passion. This special effect and technique added depth to the characters and enriched the storyline.”
Winder continues: “Being outside the traditional Hollywood studio environment, I encourage our Rainmaker team to take creative risks and be innovative in their approach to visual storytelling. I think that is what sets us apart from other animation studios and also what attracts filmmakers to us. We are experienced at helping filmmakers realize their creative vision and I think ‘LUNA’ is a perfect example of our abilities and talents.”
“LUNA,” which has enjoyed a limited screening engagement at the AMC Century City 15 in Los Angeles, California, was originally produced in 2D and will be screened in that format at the SIGGRAPH Electronic Theater. Rainmaker is putting the finishing touches on a 3D stereo version of LUNA and will host a special screening at its headquarters in Vancouver on the evening of 10 August.
Inspired by an original concept by in-house producer, Luke Carroll, “LUNA” was produced and written by Catherine Winder and directed by Donna Brockopp. Kimberly Dennison was the Supervising Producer with Kylie Ellis acting as Line Producer. Francesca Natale was the Production Designer and the music was composed by John McCarthy. Craig Berkey performed Sound Design and Re-recording Mixing.