SIGGRAPH 2012 Photos
August 7, 2012

SIGGRAPH 2012 Photos

SIGGRAPH 2012 chair Rebecca Strzelec addresses the media prior to this year's show in Los Angeles. 

She estimates that approximately 5,000 more square-feet of floor space was sold for this year's exhibit at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The show features 58 companies from outside United States and 48 new vendors. 

CGW Chief Editor Karen Moltenbrey addresses the student volunteers at SIGGRAPH 2012.

Jennifer Goldfinch, Programs Manager at Autodesk Media & Entertainment, gives the audience a brief introduction to Autodesk, which sponsored the event.

One of the panel’s industry rock stars, Sony Pictures Imageworks’ 3D effects supervisor Rob Engel, gets into the “rock star” theme as he discusses stereo 3D with the students.

(Left) Oscar winner Ben Grossman from Pixomondo (Hugo) and (right) Jeff Kember from Tippett Studio answer students’ questions.

Teagan Morrison from Naughty Dog provides a glimpse of what it is like to work at a game studio.

SIGGRAPH student volunteers enjoy CGW’s Get Connected session.
Photos from student volunteer, Victor Leung. 

Splash Display: Volumetric Projecting Using Projectile Beads at Emerging Technologies.

Patrick Davenport, Vice President Creative Operations, Method Studios, talks with attendees at the Business Symposium.

Panel of leaders, creators, global business entrepreneurs, legal professionals, artists, financiers, producers, and executives from a broad spectrum of computer graphics, animation, education, motion pictures, gaming, and visual effects to explore the present and future of our industry and community at the Business Symposium.

SIGGRAPH Posters on display.

The Studio was always buzzing.


A bustling exhibition floor.

New this year: SIGGRPH Mobile.

Attendee poses with Noisy Boy Robot.

3D printing is very popular this year's SIGGRAPH show in LA. Here is 3D Systems in action.