Intel OSPRay Studio is a scene graph application that demonstrates high-fidelity, ray-traced, interactive, real-time rendering, and provides capabilities to visualize multiple formats of 3D models and time series. It is used for robust scientific visualization and photoreal rendering and consists of Intel OSPRay in conjunction with other Intel rendering libraries (Intel Embree, Intel Open Image Denoise, etc.).
Intel OSPRay for Hydra is a Universal Scene Description (USD) Hydra API-compliant renderer that provides high-fidelity, scalable ray tracing performance and real-time rendering with a viewport-focused interface for film animation and 3D CAD/CAM modeling.
Intel DevCloud for oneAPI capabilities enable the ability to visualize and iterate rendering and create applications with real-time interactivity via remote desktop. Users can use the Intel oneAPI Rendering Toolkit to optimize visualization performance and evaluate workloads across a variety of the latest Intel hardware (CPU, GPU, FPGA). There is free access with no installation, setup or configuration required.
Among the advantages of using Intel’s platform with an open-development environment for ray tracing and rendering for developers are:
* Open-platform approach addresses single-vendor, lock-in customer concerns with cross-architecture support for a variety of platform choices in performance and costs.
* Rendering toolkit open-source libraries drive innovation through powerful ray-tracing and rendering features that extend beyond the capabilities of GPUs, such as model complexity beyond triangles, path tracing, combined volume and geometry rendering, and addressing the data explosion in today’s workloads.
* Simplified AI integration is included via Intel Open Image Denoise, Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit and acceleration via 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors with Intel Deep Learning Boost and bfloat16.
* Intel tools provide readiness for next-generation hardware innovations to ensure visualization applications automatically scale to support future Intel CPUs, GPUs and other accelerators.
Intel and industry leader demos, tech sessions and talks for this year’s SIGGRAPH can be found on the
Intel Developer Zone website.
Image courtesy Bentley Motors Limited