A select group of “pixel people” were honored at the annual SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition for their contributions to the computer graphics industry. The ACM SIGGRAPH Awards program recognizes individuals who have made a significant contribution to the computer graphics community through their research, teaching, service, or writing. This year, the awards go to:
The Computer Graphics Achievement Award: Jessica Hodgins. The Computer Graphics Achievement Award is given annually to recognize a major accomplishment that provided a significant advance in the state of the art of computer graphics and is still significant and apparent. Past recipients of the Computer Graphics Achievement Award are: James F. Blinn, James H. Clark, Loren Carpenter, Turner Whitted, Robert L. Cook, Alan H. Barr, John E. Warnock, Richard Shoup, Alvy Ray Smith, James T. Kajiya, Henry Fuchs, Patrick Hanrahan, Kenneth E. Torrance, Kurt Akeley, Marc Levoy, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Michael F. Cohen, Anthony D. DeRose, David Salesin, Andy Witkin, David Kirk, Peter Schröder, Hugues Hoppe, Jos Stam, Thomas W. Sederberg, Greg Ward, Ken Perlin, and Michael Kass.
The Significant New Researcher Award: Alexei Efros. The Significant New Researcher Award is awarded annually to a researcher who has made a recent significant contribution to the field of computer graphics and is new to the field. The intent is to recognize people who, though early in their careers, have already made a notable contribution.The Significant New Researcher Award has been presented to Paul Debevec, Steven J. Gortler, Mathieu Desbrun, Zoran Popović, Ronald Fedkiw, Takeo Igarashi, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Maneesh Agrawala, and Wojciech Matusik.
The Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art: Yoichiro Kawaguchi. The Distinguished Artist Award is awarded annually to an artist who has created a substantial and important body of work that significantly advances aesthetic content in the field of digital art. This award was presented for the first time in 2009. The recipients were Roman Verostko and Lynn Hershman Leeson.
ACM SIGGRAPH Outstanding Service Award: Kellogg S. Booth.. This award, presented for the first time at SIGGRAPH 98, is given on even-numbered years to recognize outstanding service to ACM SIGGRAPH by a volunteer. It recognizes persons who have given extraordinary service to ACM SIGGRAPH, both in the trenches and in positions of more responsibility or visibility, over a significant period of time. The ACM SIGGRAPH Outstanding Service Award has been presented to Maxine Brown, Thomas DeFanti, Copper Frances Giloth, Bertram Herzog, Judith R. Brown, Steve Cunningham, John M. Fujii, and Stephen Spencer.