10 Thought-Provoking 3D Artwork
April 17, 2015

10 Thought-Provoking 3D Artwork

For those who insist that computer graphics is not art, CGTrader has a 10-piece collection of mind-boggling 3D artwork that digs deep under the skin and tangles viewers’ thoughts to the point where they find themselves pondering the meaning of life.
And for those who love CG, dive into the pool of inspiration.

Moments on the Cat Planet, 3D Art by cristata
Software used: 3ds Mmax, ZBrush, V-Ray, Photoshop

Let's state the obvious: This 3D artwork is awesomely unique and uniquely awesome. With the Internet exploding from cute cat images, this planet is something of a priceless discovery. How many would choose to live there?