Chosen from among 158 submissions, the judges selected the Yongsan plant image for its "effective mix of aesthetics, including composition, color, perspective, and artistic merit, as well as for its extensive illustration of the 3D modeling and rendering capabilities of Intergraph software." According to the artist, achieving the compelling background for the image was no easy feat. In fact, it required at least 10 rendering passes, each averaging about 10 to 15 hours.
The annual Golden Mouse Awards competition showcases the creativity of technical professionals who use Intergraph or Intergraph-supported software to produce 3D renderings and animations in architecture, plant design, graphic arts, and a variety of other categories.
In the graphic arts category, judges awarded first place to Sepp Jagiella, CAD/CAE manager at LURGI Chemnitz, a plant engineering company in Germany. Titled "Look Through," his image shows a cross section of a pipe rack from a Butadiene plant in Germany, rendered at 50% transparency, allowing a background image of a bottle to shine through. The significance of the piece is derived from the German translation of the title, "Durchblick," which has a dual meaning: seeing through the pipes and between the pipe gaps, and the importance of keeping your wits about yourself, especially after consuming whiskey. "With computer graphics, I can create a unique, penetrating view of complex technical objects, with close attention to aesthetics," notes Jagiella.
Other highlights from the contest include the first-place architectural design by the building-design department at Takenaka of Tokyo for a proposed project in Japan to convert old brick houses into a restaurant and exhibition area. While creating the interior of the restaurant, artist Motoko Inou's main focus was expressing a warm, appealing atmosphere through the use of lighting.
These images, as well as additional selections from the awards, are presented on the following pages. -Karen Moltenbrey
Best of Show (Plant Design). "Maleic Acid Plant" by Seon-yeong Choi of Samsung Engineering, Seoul, Korea.
Graphic Arts, first place. "Look Through" by Sepp Jagiella of LURGI Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany.
Architecture, first place. "Restaurant" by staff of Takenaka Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Graphic Arts, second place. "Look" by Ulrich Kopka and Alicja Kozub of Architektur Computer Consulting, Bochum, Germany.
Architecture, third place. "Cayman Island Condos" by Patrick McMillan of Barge, Waggoner, Sumner & Cannon, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Plant Design, third place. "Steam Substation" by Jukka-Petta Luhanko of Cetetherm OY, Tuusula, Finland.