"A Robot's Life," the story of a tin toy robot trying to make it on the
streets of Los Angeles, is a combination of live-action and
computer-generated animation. It was written and directed by Elad Offer, a
veteran visual effects supervisor and artist as a side project. The robot
was modeled, rigged, and animated in Autodesk Maya. The modeling (done by
eye from a real toy) and the rigging took a few hundred hours, and the
animation took an additional 120 hours or so. Rendering was done with Chaos
Group's V-Ray, and the compositing was done with Adobe's After Effects on
top of live-action plates shot on Melrose Boulevard in Los Angeles with a
Canon 7D. The music and sound effects were done in Chicago by Earhole
Studios to a rough animatic, but then went through several back-and-forth
cycles with the director and the animators to make it all come together.