The children’s animated stop-motion series Tumble Leaf has made quite an impression on viewers and critics alike since debuting on Amazon. Most recently, it hit a high note with Emmy voters, picking u ...
April 27, 2015
HOUSTON – For the sixth consecutive year, computer science gaming students from the University of Houston are advancing to the U.S. Microsoft Imagine Cup national finals.
April 20, 2015
HALIFAX, NS, CANADA – PlayblastVR, a new renderer for Maya, creates hardware-rendered panoramic images using OpenGL or DirectX.
April 16, 2015
Next Limit has announced the latest edition to its RealFlow portfolio by unveiling RFcore for Cinema 4D.
MONTREAL – Visual Effects and Animation studio Cinesite has joined forces with leading online training company iAnimate to offer a new animation apprenticeship.
As production gets underway in Vancouver, The Walt Disney Studios announced it will co-produce and co-finance Steven Spielberg’s “The BFG.” This marks the three-time Academy Award winner’s first time ...
April 14, 2015
IT, software and telecom industry research specialist The Business Advantage Group announced the results of its annual Worldwide CAD Trends 2015 Survey last month, and one trend that surfaced involved ...
April 13, 2015
ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA – ASCON Group, a Russian engineering software developer and systems integrator in the field of design and manufacturing automation, introduced the first AEC design system built ...
MONTREAL – With the launch of Harmony 12, Toon Boom Animation democratizes animation with a product line full of new features for studios and enthusiasts alike.
The CAD Society’s annual awards have been announced and the list this year includes Jon Peddie of JPR and GraphicSpeak for the Lifetime Achievement Award. The Joe Greco award goes to Jon Jarrett and B ...
April 9, 2015