As an Honorary Society, VES has led the way in promoting the incredible work of VFX artists but so far no one has stood up to lead the way on the business side of our business. No one has been able to ...
May 25, 2011
DreamWorks Animation pushes its star CG panda into deeper trouble in Kung Fu Panda 2
Smallville’s finale incorporates VFX to close the series in style.
May 20, 2011
In the June issue, CGW sails behind the scenes on the latest “Pirates of the Caribbean” film, “On Stranger Tides,” to detail the cutting-edge visual effects in the film, particularly those cente ...
Santa Clara, Calif. -- We've never made much noise about our emulation lab. After all, the multimillion-dollar collection of high-performance processors we use to verify and QA our chip designs is a l ...
May 18, 2011
Method Studios uses V-Ray to help put a shine on Halo Reach commercial.
May 16, 2011
Digital production studio creates all-CG spot for new Nike shoes with ‘Fuse’ technology
It starts out innocently enough. A guy is driving his muscle car down a stretch of desert highway. Distracted by what might be road kill or its distant cousin, he pulls over to investigate and a ghoul ...
May 13, 2011
By Cynthia Haven The legendary wall between "techies" and "fuzzies" will all but crumble in a daylong conference, "BiblioTech," at which today's humanities PhDs will explore career possibilities in th ...
May 11, 2011
The Third Floor provides previs might for Thor