"Artoo in Love” is a short film that follows intrepid, droid-hero R2-D2 as he tries to find love in San Francisco. After courting a female mailbox and defending her against intruders, Artoo discovers ...
April 22, 2015
CHICAGO – ACM SIGGRAPH has chosen Joichi “Joi” Ito, MIT Media Lab Director, as its keynote speaker for SIGGRAPH 2015, the 42nd International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interact ...
April 21, 2015
HOUSTON – For the sixth consecutive year, computer science gaming students from the University of Houston are advancing to the U.S. Microsoft Imagine Cup national finals.
April 20, 2015
BOSTON – Boris FX and Imagineer Systems previewed the newest versions of flagship products, Boris Continuum Complete and mocha Pro, at NAB, marking the public debut of integrated technology following ...
For those who insist that computer graphics is not art, CGTrader has a 10-piece collection of mind-boggling 3D artwork that digs deep under the skin and tangles viewers’ thoughts to the point where th ...
April 17, 2015
HALIFAX, NS, CANADA – PlayblastVR, a new renderer for Maya, creates hardware-rendered panoramic images using OpenGL or DirectX.
April 16, 2015
LAS VEGAS, NV — Blackmagic Design is showing an alpha version of Fusion 8 at NAB 2015. The visual effects and motion graphics software, which until now was only available on Windows, will see Mac OS X ...
Next Limit has announced the latest edition to its RealFlow portfolio by unveiling RFcore for Cinema 4D.
MONTREAL – Visual Effects and Animation studio Cinesite has joined forces with leading online training company iAnimate to offer a new animation apprenticeship.
LAS VEGAS, NV – Björk's "Black Lake" multimedia experience debuted at New York's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) recently, with ethereal CG and visual effects created using Autodesk’s Maya 3D animation so ...
April 15, 2015